On Necessity (Weight and Measure)
What holds it all together, tears it all apart?
What sort of physics sets it all in motion—
some lovely thing of no great moment:
a song in a bar, a band, a mouth, a kiss, a note?
A sort of physics sets it all in motion.
A drummer calls the beat, 2, 3, 4:
a song in a bar, a band, a mouth, a kiss. The notes
evoke—what? The necessary net above us all?
A drummer calls the beat 2, 3, 4—
Outside the bar, overhead—the Milky Way
evokes what the necessary net above us all
might resemble when all is said and done.
Outside the bar, overhead, the Milky Way,
a lovely thing of no great moment,
might resemble (when all is said and done)
what holds us all together, tears us all apart.